
When using this website

Use of various services

This website uses various services provided by third parties, including SNS, to improve services.
Please confirm the privacy policy of each of the service providers. Ozu City and this website do not take any responsibility for damages caused by using these services.

Usage of Google Analytics

This site uses Google Analytics to understand the user experience of the site. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect usage trends without identifying individual users, and the collected information is managed based upon Google’s privacy policy. For details, please refer to Google’s related site.
Ozu City and this website do not take any responsibility for damages caused by using Google Analytics service.

Websites related to Google policies

Google Analytics
Google Analytics Terms of Service
Google’s use of information collected from sites and apps that use Google services

For more information about privacy policies of the various services

(Only the main services are listed below)
Google (Google Search, Google Tag Manager, Google Map / Google Earth, Google Play, YouTube, etc.)

Advertising distribution by companies using cookies etc.

By partnering with multiple advertising distribution companies, there is a possibility that advertisements for Ozu City and this website will be seen on various sites on the Internet.

Ad distribution companies use user attributes, such as cookies and access data, to distribute advertisements that match users’ hobbies and preferences. Also, if the user sets to accept cookies, the advertisement distribution company acquires cookie information; such as browsing history of the user who visited this website, and places advertisements in the distribution company’s designated space. Advertisements of Ozu City and this website may be delivered in some cases. The cookie information obtained by the advertisement distribution company will be handled according to each company’s privacy policy.

You may be able to stop the use of cookies and access data by the advertiser by accessing and disabling (opting out) on the advertiser’s opt-out page. In that case, ads that match the user’s hobbies and preferences may not be delivered, or the same ads may be delivered repeatedly. If you want to disable (opt-out of) advertising for each medium, access the opt-out page below and follow the instructions on each company site to arrange the settings.

More information about cookies

(Only major ad distribution companies are listed)
Google Ads
Yahoo! Promotional Ads
Facebook Ads
Twitter Ads

Cookie management

To block cookies, you can enable your browser settings and reject all or some cookies. You can also delete cookies set in the past. However, if you change your browser settings to block all cookies (including Essential / Strictly necessary cookies), you may not be able to access all or part of this site.



All information (text, photos, illustrations, etc.) posted on this site and the entire site are protected by copyright law. Reproduction, duplication or sale of this information is not permitted without the permission of the rights holder, except as permitted under the Copyright Act.


  • Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information posted on this site, Ozu City and this website do not assume any responsibility for any actions taken by the user using the information on this site.
  • Ozu City and this website do not take any responsibility for any damage or loss caused by the user accessing this website or linked site.
  • The contents of this site may be changed or deleted without notice. Please note that GoogleMap is posted using a free quota with a limited number of expressions, so you may not be able to view the map for some time depending on the situation.
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